F#4 Key Native American style flute Aeolian



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Native American style flute in the key of F#4. Semi-low and mellow sound frequency. Tuned to natural minor scale (also known as Aeolian). One of the most popular key in Native American style flutes.


Suitable for beginners and experienced players. This medium-sized flute is ideal for everyone. One of the best choice as a first flute for its easy playability and ergonomic design.


Crafted from selected materials. Kaikki huilut valmistetaan vain soitinrakennuskuivista puista. Huilu on valmistettu kotimaisesta koivusta. Huilun päät sekä lintu on koristevärjätty punaisella petsillä. Laadukas ja kestävä nahkaremmi sitoo linnun tiukasti paikoilleen.


Includes manual with instructions for playing, care and maintenance. The manual contains all the essentials about playing beginnings and flute caring. Pictured instructions for finger placements, notes and different scales. NOTE! Flute doesn't come with a bag. Flute bag is sold separately. Move to product page of the flute bag here -->




  • Key: F#4
  • Tuning: Aeolian/Luonnollinen molli (440 hz)
  • Style: Single bore
  • Woods: Birch
  • Finish: Oil wax / Carnauba wax polish
  • Inner diameter: 22,2 mm / 5/8”
  • Year of manufacture: 2024




  • Total length of the flute: 51 cm
  • Distance from the blowing end to the top finger hole: 28,5 cm
  • Distance between the top and bottom finger holes: 13,7 cm
  • Largest finger hole diameter: 9 mm (3rd 4th & 6th hole)
  • Largest distance between finger holes for one hand: 28 mm (1st-2nd & 2nd-3rd holes)


Sound sample with reverb effect:


Sound sample without effects (dry):


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